Encapsulation systems & SIP – An encapsulation system encloses system elements and their interactions from the external environment, and usually involves a system boundary (such as oak) that hides the internal from the external.
At Premier Oak we design, build and construct your encapsulation system. Throughout the design process, we use the same innovative software employed to design your oak frame as your insulated closed-panel encapsulation system.
Our system has been designed to achieve high levels of insulation and airtightness, which will reduce the energy consumption of your home and lowering heating costs; which is essential in the current energy climate!
Why use encapsulation systems & SIP for your home?
Having a perfect encapsulation systems & SIP improves the efficiency of the building process and better thermal and air leakage performance in the long run.
Effective encapsulation systems & SIP is vital for the performance of the building, and ensures that it feels comfortable through the seasons, all of which we experience in the UK, from heatwaves to storms; being wind and watertight is critical to any building.
We work with a variety of insulating panels which use a range of materials to suit different building specifications and budgets. Our standard encapsulation system is a cost-effective solution to your insulated panel requirements.
Premier Oak have extensive experience in integrating panels and timber frame design, meaning we utilise the quality and strength of both for complete building integrity.

Structural insulated panels
Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) are formed of an insulating foam core sandwiched between two layers of board, typically OSB (orientated strand board).
We use these panels for walls, floors and roofs. They are manufactured under factory controlled conditions and can be fabricated to fit nearly all building designs.
When used in conjunction with a frame, steel beams and glu-laminated beams are no longer required as the oak frame can support floors and roof panels. With a pre-manufactured oak frame and pre-manufactured SIP panels, a build can be made watertight in a matter of 5-6 weeks reducing labour costs and time lost to bad weather.

Types of Structural insulated panels
Panels can have polyurethane or polystyrene cores, or panel systems are available with greener insulating, energy efficient materials such as shredded cellulose or wool bats.
The former have better insulating properties (lower U value) therefore make thinner panels, typically 142mm. The latter, less insulating materials may need to be 200 or 225mm thick to achieve the same U value.
Bearing in mind that the U value required for new building is due to increase to a higher standard, panels and therefore wall thicknesses will need to become thicker to comply with new regulations. We have worked successfully with many SIPs panel manufacturers.
The coordination between the frame and panels has to be exact; this is performed using CAD software. We make a model on the computer and send it to the SIPs manufacturer who then clads the frame with the panels. They then send their drawings to your architect to be checked over.